Links to other online resources:
- Quakers in Britain outreach material library
- Why do Quakers nominate in the way they do?
- Quakers in Britain website
- More Young Adult Quaker groups
- Quaker Faith and Practice (5th Edition)
- Useful book – Being a Quaker: a guide for newcomers by Geoffrey Durham. You can borrow the book from Friends House library You can borrow Being a Quaker from Friends House library or visit Geoffrey Durham’s website. You can also buy the book online from Waterstones.
- Introduction to Quakerism
- Quaker Youtuber, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, exploring what Quakerism means to her
- Musician, Hozier, explains his Quaker upbringing interview
Britain Yearly Meeting’s videos:
- what is centrally managed work?
- What are centrally managed committees?
- what is meeting for sufferings?
- What does yearly meeting mean?
Young Friends General Meeting Social Media links