Bursary Request Form

Please use the form to submit a request for a bursary, someone will be in touch with you to talk about the application


Bursary and Grant Application Form

Please include what pronouns we should use, and what to call you in any emails to external groups.
Can you include: name and nature of event; if applicable Amount requested Other groups you have , or are planning on, applying to for funding
Please include: Rough amount, when you shall need the money by, and any other groups that you have applied, or are planning to apply to for support.
Are you happy for YFGM to reach out to the event's relevant person
This is to enable us to plan with other Quaker groups about the best use of funds / splitting costs etc. We understand that you may not wish this information to be shared, if so please select "no".
Please include any contact details you know about who we should be talking to about coordinating funding.
Have you received a bursary from YFGM before? (not including access funds)
Access funds are claims for travel and accommodation for YFGM events, we ask this to ensure that our funds are distributed equitably in the community. Having received a bursary in the past is NOT a disqualifying reason for receiving funds in the future.
Please confirm you've read the form carefully and all information is accurate